Noise Control Products
eNoise Control offers a variety of acoustic and noise control products to help you with your application. Our experienced sales team can help you determine the best solution for your problem. Below is a list of some of the products we offer.
Sound Curtains
Sound Curtains offer maximum sound control and noise reduction using a combination of sound absorption and noise barrier material. Clients refer to our product as sound curtains, noise curtains, sound blankets, or hanging quilt blanket. Our sound curtains are modular, velcro sealed, noise control curtains that are effective, rugged, and industrial grade in construction.
Steel Sound Enclosures
Steel sound enclosures are a highly effective means of noise control for industrial and mechanical equipment. Our acoustic steel enclosures are engineered for superior noise control while allowing for easy access for both ventilation and maintenance. Custom engineered steel enclosures are a workable solution to your noisy industrial equipment. Below are examples of the features offered by our modular panel systems.
Sound Barrier Wall
Our Sound Barrier Wall system is an engineered, modular panel system designed for high reduction of outdoor noise. The barrier wall is typically used outdoors to control industrial/mechanical noise, HVAC noise, transportation noise and other disturbing noises produced by chillers, air handling equipment, fans, transformers, compressors etc.
Outdoor Sound Blankets
Outdoor sound curtains, or sound curtain noise barrier walls, are a highly economical and effective method of reducing noise generated from noisy equipment or processes that are exposed to the elements. This unique composite material combines a sound absorber with a noise barrier into a flexible and versatile panel. The panels are modular and can be installed on fences, frames, or other support structure. Applications are varied and include construction fencing, roof top barriers, by-pass pumps, gas compressors and many others.
Gas Compressor Noise Control
Natural Gas Compressors are being asked to move more natural gas throughout Texas and the United States and Canada. A common way to pump natural gas is by installing compressor stations strategically located along a natural gas line run. Compressors with their large engines, compressor tanks and exhaust noise have created noise problems for the surrounding neighbors.
Gym & Church Sound Panels
Noise generated in very large spaces is a common sound control problem we endure. At church, daycare, kids’ basketball games, untreated large rooms exhibit unwanted echo, bad acoustics for music and unintelligible speech. These soundproof issues make the room difficult to occupy.
Construction Sound Blankets
Construction Site Sound Blanket Fences are an option job sites can use to help control noise at a job site. Outdoor sound blankets are often specified to reduce construction site noise. The fencing material is used as a site (visual) barrier along with a sound barrier.