Hanging Sound Blankets
eNoise Control has clients asking about the most effective way to use and implement hanging sound blankets to lower and block noise. Below, we will explain the product features and the best utilization of the sound blankets.
Clients use the following terms interchangeably to describe this acoustic product:
- Quilted sound panel
- Diamond stitched sound pad
- Weighted noise blanket
- Modular sound curtain with Velcro zipper seams
- Acoustic blankets
- Noise curtain

Hanging Sound Blanket with Velcro Seam
Our sound blankets are weighted – 1.5 lbs/sf.
Quilted hanging blankets absorb sound – NRC rating above 0.75.
Blankets block decibels (noise) – STC ratings above 27.
Acoustic facing holds up to harsh environment.
Facing available in gray, tan, black, or white.
Grommets (or eyelets) are integrated along the top edge for hanging the acoustic blankets. Mating Velcro is sewn along each vertical edge to allow for a sealed and accessible seam.
Further data can be found on our sound curtain page.

Sound blanket partition for noisy blower
For best decibel reduction, we recommend installing the sound panels at a minimum of 3′ over the line of sight of the sound source. For example, if your machine is 5′ high, we recommend a sound partition of 8′ minimum. You can use your own frame or purchase frame support from eNoise Control. Our hanging sound blankets are a very effective, modular, sound absorbing, and sound blocking material to lower unwanted noise from your machines or processes.
Call us at 888.417.1903 or email us at info@enoisecontrol.com for more information on hanging sound blankets.