Outdoor Noise – Case Study
eNoise Control has been involved with numerous outdoor community noise applications over the past decade. Clients hire our experienced Acoustic Consultants to provide outdoor environmental noise analysis, sound readings and sound mapping. Our consultants provide clients with expertise in every aspect of a project from recognizing the problem noise source to achieving noise reduction goals. We provide complete consulting services with recommendations and expert product knowledge.

Before: Transformer station near residential area
Our firm can provide noise control expertise and professional services such as:
- Property Line Sound Readings
- Noise Source Analysis
- Near and Far Field Sound Mapping
- Acoustic Report Generation
- Sound Engineering recommendations for noise reduction
- Community Noise Ordinance Analysis

Engineered acoustic steel sound control wall after installation
Typical community noise sources are:
- Transformers (transformer stations)
- Outdoor Air Cooled Chillers
- Exhaust Stacks
- Power Plants
- Generators
- Delivery Truck Yards
- HVAC Equipment (rooftop)
- Fans and Blowers
- Gas Compressors
- Many others
Below is an actual case history of eNoise Control’s involvement with outdoor environmental noise control dealing with transformer station noise.
Situation: A power company contacted eNoise Control regarding noise complaints from a residential area close to the company’s transformer station. The customer attempted to erect a plywood barrier to help “stop” the noise. This was met with very little success.
Solution: eNoise Control was then hired to conduct a Sound Survey and Acoustic Feasibility Study. eNoise performed this study in the field during different operating power loads. We conducted property line readings and compared those readings to any local noise ordinances. Our engineering conclusion and recommendation was for the erection of a modular acoustic steel sound barrier wall. eNoise Control designed the height, width, and position to give the optimum sound reduction.
Outdoor Noise Remediation
eNoise Control confirmed with sound readings after installation of the acoustic steel sound wall that our acoustic goals had been met. Transformer noise can be low frequency tonal in nature and we do recommend hiring an Acoustic Engineer such as eNoise Control to assist in the design of your noise abatement.